anatomy_panel, 'ForegroundColor ',* 0, 'Style ', 'popupmenu ', 'Units ', 'normalize ', 'Visible ', 'on '. 'String ', sprintf( 'Brain Cortex file: ')) īst.anat_brain_cortex_file = uicontrol( bst. anatomy_panel, 'Style ', 'text ', 'Foregroundcolor ', 'k ', 'Units ', 'normalize '. brain_hull_files) īst.anat_brain_cortex_file_txt = uicontrol( bst. 'FontSize ', 8, 'HorizontalAlignment ', 'center ', 'String ', bst. 'String ', sprintf( 'Brain Hull file: ')) īst.anat_brain_hull_file = uicontrol( bst. skull_files) īst.anat_brain_hull_file_txt = uicontrol( bst. anatomy_panel, 'Style ', 'text ', 'Foregroundcolor ', 'k ', 'Units ', 'normalize '.īst.anat_skull_file = uicontrol( bst. scalp_files) īst.anat_skull_file_txt = uicontrol( bst. anatomy_panel, 'Style ', 'text ', 'Foregroundcolor ', 'k ', 'Units ', 'normalize '.īst.anat_scalp_file = uicontrol( bst. mri_files) īst.anat_scalp_file_txt = uicontrol( bst. anatomy_panel, 'Style ', 'text ', 'Foregroundcolor ', 'k ', 'Units ', 'normalize '.īst.anat_mri_file = uicontrol( bst. 'Units ', 'normalize ', 'Position ', 'FontWeight ', 'bold ') īst.anat_mri_file_txt = uicontrol( bst. popup_fig, 'Title ', 'Anatomy Files ', 'FontSize ', 12, 'Foregroundcolor '. subj_data_names, 'Callback sm_select_bst_subj_data) popup_fig, 'ForegroundColor ',* 0, 'Style ', 'popupmenu ', 'Units ', 'normalize ', 'Visible ', 'on '. 'String ', sprintf( 'Select Subject Data: ')) īst.subj_data_menu = uicontrol( bst. popup_fig, 'Style ', 'text ', 'Foregroundcolor ', 'k ', 'Units ', 'normalize '. subj_anat_names, 'Callback sm_select_bst_subj_anat) īst.subj_data_menu_txt = uicontrol( bst.

'String ', sprintf( 'Select Subject Anatomy: ')) īst.subj_anat_menu = uicontrol( bst. study_names, 'Callback sm_select_bst_study) īst.subj_anat_menu_txt = uicontrol( bst.

popup_fig, 'ForegroundColor ',* 0, 'Style ', 'popupmenu ', 'Units ', 'normalize '. 'Position ', 'FontSize ', 10, 'HorizontalAlignment ', 'right '.īst.study_menu = uicontrol( bst. brainstorm_db)) bst.study_names = fnames( 3 : end) īst.menu_pos2 = txt_spacing = 1.75 īst.study_menu_txt = uicontrol( bst. brainstorm_db, 'Set Brainstorm ''s database directory ') h.brainstorm_db = bst. Position( 3)= 350 htext = findobj( w, 'Type ', 'Text ') htext.FontSize = 11 htext.HorizontalAlignment = 'left ' % setting fontsize to being readableīst.converted_flag = 0 % 0= anatomy not converted yet % anatomy converted to FieldTrip format and stored in h.anatomyīst.brainstorm_db = uigetdir( h. W = warndlg( sprintf( ' \n\nPlease run Brainstorm first and \nthen call SimMEEG within Brainstorm. If ~ isappdata( 0, 'BrainstormRunning ') % Brainstorm not running H.waitfor_panel.Visible = 'on ' h.waitfor_txt.String = sprintf( 'Loading Brainstorm Anatomy ') drawnow % 2) set "bst.study_menu.Value" to default to the study directory set by user in brainstorm GUI % 1) replace following command with brainstorm_db set by user in brainstorm GUI: " bst.brainstorm_db = uigetdir(h.bst_subj_anat_dir,'Set Brainstorm''s database directory') " Function load_bst_anatomy_popup( varargin)